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Jan 25, 2019
toyota service in lumberton


We know that coming into the dealership for maintenance can sometimes feel like an inconvenience, but conducting routine maintenance on your vehicle can actually save you money. Getting your vehicle’s oil changed, getting the tires rotated, checking your battery, and checking the fluids can all be a part of routine car maintenance. Here are five reasons why keeping your vehicle’s maintenance up to date is a decision that can save you plenty of money in the log run.

1.Catches small problems before they turn into something big

If you don’t keep your vehicle up to date on maintenance, you may be setting yourself up for bigger problems in the future. For example – failing to change your oil regularly can cause damage to your engine, and may eventually cause irreparable damage to parts. In addition, if you don’t bring your vehicle in for regular tire rotations, you’ll end up needing a new set of tires much sooner than you’d planner.

2.Improves your car’s gas mileage

The care you put into your Toyota also affects its fuel efficiency. When your vehicle is serviced on a regular basis, it will run more efficiently. For example – if your tires are properly inflated and balanced, it will increase the amount of miles you get per gallon. If you want to make sure you’re saving as much as possible on gas, be sure to keep up with your car’s routine maintenance.

3.Extends your vehicle’s lifespan

If you want your vehicle to last for years to come, it is essential to keep up with routine maintenance. By keeping your vehicle in the best shape possible, you’ll save yourself money since you won’t need to purchase a new car. Your Toyota can last for many years if properly cared for.

4.Maintains the safety of your car

Keeping your vehicle’s brakes and tires maintained puts you at lower risk of getting in a car accident. Failing to regularly replace your car’s windshield wipers can increase your risk of an accident during rainy weather. Checking your tire pressure is also essential, as over or under inflated tires can cause risks such as blowouts and hydroplaning. Be sure to get your tires, brakes, windshield wipers, lights, and steering wheels inspected regularly to avoid accidents.

5.Prevents last minute repairs on road trip

Nothing is worse than having your vehicle break down while you’re on vacation. If you end up with an emergency while traveling, it is likely that you will spend much more money paying an out-of-state mechanic to perform a last minute repair on your vehicle. Be sure to get your vehicle checked out by a mechanic before you hit the road for your next trip!

It’s no doubt that routine car maintenance can save you plenty of money. If you’re on the hunt for a reliable service department in Lumberton to help you maintain your vehicle, look no further than Peterson Toyota. Our team consists of highly trained service technicans with plenty of experience in car maintenance and repairs. Our technicians undergo frequent training so that they can stay up to date on the best ways to service your Toyota. Conveniently schedule your service online with us today!